Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Play Ground Rules and Life lessons

#1. If you pick it and eat it, you're gonna hear about it!
#2. He who smelt it, dealt it!
~counter~ He who does the rhyme, did the crime!
#3. The opposite sex is mysterious group! Even if they can give us cooties, we want to chase them! Even if they are less mature then us, we want them to chase us!
#4. (Ian's) You're pretty much gonna want to marry the girl that constantly punches you in the arm and she will be happy to oblige!
#5. NEVER EVER alert the authorities for cursing, Indian rubs, and your spit bro and/or sis statuses!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

a poem.

I got a few problems
I have ODD(oppositional defiant disorder)
stemming from my AD(attachment disorder)
creating space for ADD(attention deficit disorder)
crazy space like ADHD(attention deficit hyper disorder)
my doctor says so and i believe
i need drugs, my kids need drugs, my neighbors need drugs, my town needs drugs, my state needs drugs, my country needs drugs.
so let's socialize healthcare and get high.
I've got more problems;
my ODD/AD/ADD/ ADHD get's me down.
so i got manic depression.
that means i sleep a lot. and i am in constant pain.
which means i also got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with a possibility of Fibromyalgia. It's spreading like wild fire, you probably have it too and we are all incapable of work.
i need SSD(social security disability), my kids need SSD, my town needs SSD, my state needs SSD, my country needs SSD.
so let's socialize healthcare and get high.
i got more problems, my drugs make me fart too much i got IBS and Crones disease. I got a thyroid of a monkey, which means i eat like a fish.
I also got addiction.
i smoke too many cigarettes, i got the OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder).
I drink too much beer and eat too much pizza, i gots the obsessive gene, or was that recessive, or was that compulsive and reactive?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
I am an animal, after all.
I got the survival thing down. I got the conscious thing down.
I'm so fucked up because of this.
i need drugs, my kids need drugs, my neighbors need drugs, my town needs drugs, my state needs drugs, my country needs drugs.
so let's socialize healthcare and get high.
Not to mention I have allergies, JESUS i need to live in a silicone bubble and breath exactly 90 % Nitrogen, I'm sensitive, I bleed like a Rominov...and i leave it on my sleeve like a Kennedy.
I tried coping with LSD, PCP, napalm and H20. But i still gots the shit.
What's an all-American gal supposed to do?
Don't get me started on my Rainbow Spectrum Disease....
Peace out.
You got me on the Spectrum Disorder, you read the metal fillings in my teeth, i was poisoned by Mercury in my vaccinations during the experimental 1970'S and now I can't relate to basic human compassion.
I ignore you, because I don't need your input, i don't talk to you because you are not thinking what i just thought i am Aspergers out the ass! And I would also like to do drugs.
But better than that I need a Comic Book Store, Role Playing games and video games that reflect a person more socially capable than me. Excuse my condition, I still wanna get in your pants. But I will never understand your need...to...know...what...i am...thinking...inferior animal capable of human touch and equal love, give me drugs to make me feel more like you, more fucked up by my instinct to fuck.
i need drugs, my kids need drugs, my neighbors need drugs, my town needs drugs, my state needs drugs, my country needs drugs.
so let's socialize healthcare and get high.


Holden is fine. i was relieved to take him to see a doctor. I couldn't take him to his regular doctor, since they charge us 90 bucks per visit, right then and there. So I took him to the ER which was probably 900 dollars that tax payers will have to pay as I go for another round of sign the kids up for CHIP, (free healthcare) this time i will vlog it. Prepare yourself to be annoyed, frustrated, bored and eventually disappointed. I guess by those descriptions, it could a Hollywood blockbuster!
i hate my job.
Holden did get to do an intro to wrestling this after school this past week, unfortunately the last day is today and he was looking forward to the ice cream party :(
Violet is in my arms nursing to nap...she will be two on May 2nd. Holy crap!!! She is such a character, I call her "Little Mama" because she is very quick to nit pick at her big brothers and 'correct' them, it's hilarious! Notice how most of my profile pics have her on my lap, she is an "Up girl" or "Lap Toddler" I'd say her needs are high on that one, also, the nursing. I feel confident in saying I AM TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY DONE WITH BREASTFEEDING(10 and half years)-the problem is that Violet is no where near done *sigh*
Oliver is sitting next to me playing an online game, "Fancy Pants" very cute. AT 4 and half now I realized recently how much I 'baby' him, but this happened at the same time as HE refused help with anything, not just the new two year old thing of "MIne do it" more like, "Back off, I am little man now" SO, I am going with it. He has had a disappointing week so far two days of inspection nonsense and then today two hours in the ER. Tomorrow is supposed to beautiful, so that means PARK PARTY!!! I hate working for the MAN.
Darius is at school. I'm not sure if I mentioned here that his band teacher really thinks he should get private piano and french horn lessons. He also had no idea about the Horntails-that Darius :) I guess I am hesitating not only for the money, but something says that Darius is fine just teaching himself. He reads music as fast as anything and yeah maybe piano lessons over the summer would be cool? The other thing is that I think its too narrowly focused. So, when we were at the park on Saturday we watched his grade's baseball team. I asked him if he would like to do something like that and as we watched, he said, yeah I think I would. I think that sports would be the right kind of different for him :) SO I have to get on that one that too....
oh yeah and did i mention i hate my job...so a guy from downstairs asked very politely if he could do the new smoke alarms this morning as i was getting us ready to leave. I tried to rearrange it for tomorrow, because we were leaving and Glendemort yelled up that it had to be done today. I could have fought him on it, by law you need to give 24 hours notice etc, but i decided that i don't have to be a cunt about everything, really :) so, he was up here and BOY did i need to use the bathroom, but moms and dads you know how the bathroom door is like "The Funhouse Door" when you need to do important stuff? Well, important and MONTHLY things...oh man, no supplies had to resort to the paper towel trick until i had a chance to get to store and boy perfect timing Slaughterhouse 33. I'm just glad the paper towel didn't slip down into my shoe, not that that has ever happened before or anything.
This day is getting better, think i'm going to go lie on the couch and think about ceiling tiles....blah. can't wait to go to work tonight and call Ian to tell him how much i hate that job.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And while I have the soap box, I want to establish a new respect for the word Capitalism. That word was misconstrued and never reinvented since the 60's. "Damn the Capitalists!" well one fine example of capitalism is someone loving to play music, music of a specific genre, so much that they can quit their day job in their late 20's and travel around, support himself and be happy. The onslaught of communism would have tested him out of this possibility at 17.
BTW, I am also a communist at heart, humans just don't know how to swing it in government...yet.
I'd also like to add that just because you own a multi billion dollar company in 2007 doesn't mean that you a resistant to failure and making bad business choices like Amercan car companies did. This only means that the laws of Capitalism work.
Also, just because you're an American doesn't mean that you are owed a job for life, you're gonna have to work and be bright enough not to make cars that suck and make investments in shifty investment opportunities (AIG).
In the same breath, if there are any regulations to be put into place are guards against any monopolies especially in the medical industry including pharmaceutical companies and health insurance. Placing a cap on these industries would be like a pin in this disgusting balloon of over priced Health care, therefore making it affordable to all Americans to go see a doctor and HOLY CRAP a dentist, imagine that! No government money needed in this train of thought. I can pay a doctor 25 bucks a visit. I can afford 25 bucks for meds.
Speaking of Healthcare, the rise of unnecessary procedures and tests raises the floor of Healthcare costs and puts a nice bank roll into the laps of these sociopaths. I say sociopaths because any person and group of people that would take advantage of their patients or the parents of patients is by definition sociopathic. The cruelty of pharmaceutical companies'' mass media stronghold on the hearts of our people is demented. "Are you depressed, feel like giving up, just lost your job and feel there's no hope...then there is something wrong with you, ask your DOCTOR about Heroin, the new cure for Americas problems! Heroin, brought to you by HipDrugs LLC...side effects may include STUPIDITY..."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Taxation

The tax system needs a total overhaul. Obama did not invent taxes or the invent the lean towards socializing things. That took a lot of time and lack of foresight. Conservatives should be reminded that it was Bush that refused to raise taxes, instead he charged a ridiculous war on the nation's credit card and now some one has to figure out how to pay that debt..."ah man, the war wasn't that fun do WE really have to pay for it?"...yes America, those are the rules. Dump your tea, in honor of the Bill of Rights, but you can't blame one administration. We could consider looking at blaming FDR, but even he proposed that his initiatives should be temporary. TEMPORARY. Stop generational welfare and forced insurance abominations. Nobody should get a tax return(I'm saying that after we/family received thousands this year) that money should have been left in your pocket to support our economic system through out the year...the EIC is a demon-I don't even know where to start discussing this....but this is what pops in my head "The EIC did a job on me and now I am a real sickie" :)
I don't know why it's annoying to see people exercising their right to protest, in fact we should have been dumping tea as soon as our federal taxes rose over 3%
and why does America feel so compelled to teach the world capitalism when it only half exists here and neither systems work?
neither can live...???
There's no love for ignorant catch phrases from me, I understand. I want you guys to know that I voted and supported(canvassed) for Obama because I do believe that his administration was very important to succeed the Bush embarrassment. First, I am so in awe at his foreign diplomacy-what care he has taken in bridging hard feelings after Bush's approach as an ill mannered cowboy... and second for really working towards attacking some big problems in the right here and now. I can tell you from a gas station cashier's perspective that each tax bracket is pulling their belts a notch closer. 2 out 5 customers hand me a PA unemployment card to pay for their gas. I think that even if the government is offering busy work for the time being, than it beats the Hoovervilles in the past....but I want to see a future that we abolish forced socialist monsters like insurance and taxes. The Bill of Rights. The history of income tax= paying for war, our human rights protected.
80% of our taxes towards the military sounds about right if we look at what our original government wanted. protect our borders,(national guard) protect our property.(local police) protect our human rights.(local police) The military's budget is way overblown if we ONLY pay for this, but when we are in many countries at one time re-organizing other governments, than the the budget goes haywire. it's not about generals, it's about how America continues to belive it needs to police the world. That is what the UN is for, but smarter countries hang back....again private donations including private hiring of soldiers for causes such as Darfur...
Don't you see that if we only stuck to a smaller military than we'd have a smaller tax?
10% for the lowest tax bracket and 35% for the highest. They get so much money that they can give me a check for thousands every year to blow at WalMart(i'm joking about the WalMart part for us) but EIC season is awesome to watch the parking lots of WalMarts and the ridiculous things that people buy for their families (52 inch flat screen TVs) and the BIG ASS barrels of cheese-balls.

My friend Mike was talking about the Amish today after watching Devil's Playground. This reminded me of this article;

Also, I have always been curious about the exacts of the Amish obligation to US taxes so I found this;

The Amish are probably the best example of a group of people living what they believe in the US, they are separists and somehow they get around(or try to get around) a lot of laws...such as this;


.... but I don't agree with people and their little daydream of simplicity. This is where I think about the outcome of Don't Buy New Stuff, intentional communities that return to simple things, grow your own food, make your own clothes, blah blah blah. There is such a snobbery in those circles, i'm jaded., like oh i made this pair of socks and i say to myself, nice, your such a douche bag...
There are a lot of problems with both the Amish and the Mennonites, first (again) this whole domination over the women, the rules the sexism, I have a hard time thinking that in our day that religion should suppress basic human rights and that it is their right to suppress women because there is freedom of religion...

Old Skool Friends

I thought I'd catch up some of my old classmates on what I have done since graduation day in 1993 especially since I have been adding many of those fine people to my Facebook.
After graduation, I began art school in DC as planned, but at the end of the second semester I had an odd experience. I was shooting some photos for Photo 1, an assignment about capturing the architecture of buildings. This landed me in a seedy neighborhood in the south east DC. There was a curious old factory that looked pretty nifty with it's barbed wire and "STAY OUT" sign, I snuck in the fence and looked thru a filthy window when my eyes were burned by an intense light. I was overwhelmed by both gamma rays and X rays causing me to be overexpose to ionizing radiation and leaving me with a few spiffy super human powers such as the ability to fly and I can breathe under water.
As you can guess the government tracked me down pretty quickly and I worked for some very covert operations around the world. I basically became an international spy with go-go boots.
On a visit back home in PA in 1995, I met Ian and we were hooked on each other. I wanted to lead an average life of anoniminity. I sought for my powers to be reversed sacrificing the sweet pay check, but love is just right like that!
In 1998, we added our first baby to our family, we got pretty hooked on babies and now we have FOUR AMAZING CHILDREN(three boys, one girl.)
OH, after the super human power reversal process, I began to have rare sensitivity to all carbon based life forms(sucks for me). This is intensified by beer.
Wasn't that way more fun than saying I dropped out of Art College, got married and had four kids, and work part time at a gas station at night to reflect Ian's hours so we don't have to put our kids in daycare?
-that in my non-mom time I write songs about a Harry Potter character and that when my oldest was 7 he wrote songs and performed ALOT. My family is in two documentaries, I've only seen the one We Are Wizards(wearewizards.com). That I am currently writing Harry Potter and non-Harry Potter folky/punk stuff and play out as much as I can?
I believe my real story is full of super power, as I am sure your stories are too- even if they aren't as glamorous as being an international spy!
Hmm I don't know, but something is really cool about learning what you guys are up to. We came from such a small town and school, we saw each other almost everyday growing up and in that, maybe we are each part of each other's puzzles, these puzzles are what bring us to an online social network, right? yo!